Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
Rest not in baptismal privileges: all are not Israel which are of Israel; what is a man the better to have Christ’s Name upon him, and Satan’s image? What is the advantage to have the Oracles of God, and want the Spirit of God? Think not that an empty profession will save; millions will be sent to hell in Christ’s livery, Matth. 8.12. Oh labour to know the grace of God in truth. The Lord hath been at much cost and charges with you to bring you near to himself; let not God be a loser by you. Pindar saith, it was an opinion of the people in ancient times, that Jupiter rained down gold upon the City of Rhodes:
Give me leave to apply it to you, God hath rained down golden showers upon you. What mercies hath he enriched you with? what talents hath he entrusted you with? your estate is a talent, your health (in these sickly times especially) is a talent, your Sanctuary-blessings are talents, every motion of the Spirit, every opportunity for heaven is a talent, and nothing more sure than that you will be called to an account shortly; now if you have let your talents lie rusting, and done no good with them, the hiding your talents will not hide your sin, expect an heavy doom. ...
For more, see:
Give me leave to apply it to you, God hath rained down golden showers upon you. What mercies hath he enriched you with? what talents hath he entrusted you with? your estate is a talent, your health (in these sickly times especially) is a talent, your Sanctuary-blessings are talents, every motion of the Spirit, every opportunity for heaven is a talent, and nothing more sure than that you will be called to an account shortly; now if you have let your talents lie rusting, and done no good with them, the hiding your talents will not hide your sin, expect an heavy doom. ...
For more, see:
Thomas Watson on not resting in external privileges
Rest not in baptismal privileges: all are not Israel which are of Israel; what is a man the better to have Christ’s Name upon him, and Satan’s image? What is the advantage to have the Oracles…