Thomas Brooks Quote (?)

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Daniel Gomes Silveira

Puritan Board Freshman
There is a quote that is commonly attributed to Thomas Brooks that I am not able to find the reference

"A family without prayer is like a house without a roof, open and exposed to all the storms of heaven"

I have the complete works of Thomas Brooks on Logos, and I tried to search for it, but I couldn't find it.

Does anyone know where this quote comes from?

I'd be surprised if that isn't from The Privy Key of Heaven, but my Brooks is in hardback so I can't search quickly. Come to think of it, it's not only in hardback, but it's back home in Iowa packed up, not with me here on sabbatical, so it's even harder to search... :)

Open up likely volumes of works by Brooks and using the "Ctrl" + "F" keys, open a search box to search for the term "storms" (try to use the most unique word in the quote for your search. ).
That should allow you to relocate the quote without too much effort.

All that said, I didn't find the quote in The Privy Key of Heaven.
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