The Sunday School Teacher's Guide by John Angell James

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Not intimately but I would assume that given the era it refers to children's rather than adult's sunday school. Would be interested to know if it is in print/obtainable as I collect books in this area

Its in print. The book is available via

Here's a sample of the table of contents

The object which Sunday School Teachers Should Ever Keep in View
The Qualifications Which Every Teacher Should Seek To Possess
Directions on the Manner in which a Teacher should Discharge his Duties
The Duties of Teachers to Each Other
The Temptations to which Sunday School Teachers are Peculiarly Exposed
The Discouragements of Sunday School Teachers
The Most Effectual Means of Keeping Up the Spirit of the Office
Motives to Diligence in the Work
Spurgeon has a great book written for Sunday school teachers -- check it out at:

titled Come Ye Children
table of contents:
1. "Feed My Lambs""”How To Do It
2. Do Not Hinder the Children
3. The Disciples and the Mothers
4. The Children's Shepherd
5. Of Such Is the Kingdom of Heaven
6. As a Little Child
7. Feed My Lambs
8. The Child Timothy and His Teachers
9. "What Mean Ye By This Service?"
10. Samuel and His Teachers
11. Instructions for Teachers and Parents
12. Model Lesson for Teachers
13. "Come, Ye Children""”Three Admonitions
14. "Come, Ye Children""”The Psalmist's Invitation
15. King David's Two Encouragements to Parents and Teachers
16. Childhood and Holy Scripture
17. Witnesses for God Converted in Youth
18. Obadiah's Early Piety
19. Obadiah and Elijah
20. Abijah's "Some Good Thing"
21. Abijah's "Some Good Thing,""”II
22. The Shunammite Woman's Son
23. The Shunammite Woman's Son"”II
I've got Spurgeon's book, its published by Christian Focus.

Also I've started reading John Angell James' book and I definitely recommend it. Its one of those books that lifts the office of teacher up and engenders in you're heart the understanding that your sufficiency to be effective has got to come from on HIGH.

I'm giving some copies of this work to the teachers at my assembly.
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