Spurgeon has a great book written for Sunday school teachers -- check it out at:
titled Come Ye Children
table of contents:
1. "Feed My Lambs""”How To Do It
2. Do Not Hinder the Children
3. The Disciples and the Mothers
4. The Children's Shepherd
5. Of Such Is the Kingdom of Heaven
6. As a Little Child
7. Feed My Lambs
8. The Child Timothy and His Teachers
9. "What Mean Ye By This Service?"
10. Samuel and His Teachers
11. Instructions for Teachers and Parents
12. Model Lesson for Teachers
13. "Come, Ye Children""”Three Admonitions
14. "Come, Ye Children""”The Psalmist's Invitation
15. King David's Two Encouragements to Parents and Teachers
16. Childhood and Holy Scripture
17. Witnesses for God Converted in Youth
18. Obadiah's Early Piety
19. Obadiah and Elijah
20. Abijah's "Some Good Thing"
21. Abijah's "Some Good Thing,""”II
22. The Shunammite Woman's Son
23. The Shunammite Woman's Son"”II