The Institutes - Outside Sources?

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Puritan Board Freshman
Good morning,

Currently, I am reading a few books (one of those include the Institutes of the Christian Religion - John Calvin, translated by Henry Beveridge). I am having a difficult time reading and understanding the Institutes. Usually, I am a slow reader but with the institutes, I find myself reading the same pages over and over until I grasp the content. My question is, are there any outside sources to reading alongside the Institutes? Maybe a faithful commentary on the Institutes? Thanks.

Another question, who do you guys (and girls) listen to on a daily basis? I love listening to Ferguson, Piper, Washer, etc. However, I find myself listening to Keller mostly and listen to him over and over. (I know, there are questionable things about Keller, his sermons were just very impactful to me when I first became a believer). Any guys I should be on the lookout for? Thank ya'll!
When I first read the Institutes I had a difficult time grasping the content so I switch to the first edition (1536), which is about half as long and considerably more concise. Reading the first edition and then coming back later to the final edition can be a good strategy. If you do choose to read the first edition, be aware that Calvin had a deficient doctrine of the Sabbath.
As far as Sermon Audio, I don't listen to him every day by any means, but I enjoy the sermons of Joel Beeke. His style is warm and experiential and he's very doctrinally sound.
Of course, reading the Institutes start to finish is a worthwhile endeavor, but it may be helpful (to get in Calvin's mind) to take the passages that deal with your most immediate questions/interests. This will inevitably lead to further questions which he will likely answer other places in the work. It is by no means a systematic approach, but sometimes a practical/topical approach will be more meaningful, opening up his way of thinking that will be helpful in approaching the portions you are struggling with now.
I am having a difficult time reading and understanding the Institutes.
I've thought of trying to do a "reader's edition" of the Institutes - modern English and either convert the footnotes to end notes or dispense with them completely. It would be compeletely useless for scholars, but perhaps a good way to draw folks into the truths shown by Calvin.
Thank you, Charles, for the reply. I think I will try that. The Institutes are an invaluable read but they will do me no good if I'm not understanding or really gleaning from them.
What was Calvin's doctrine of the Sabbath?
Regarding, Beeke. I really enjoy his works. However, I don't know if I've ever heard any of his sermons. I will definitely check them out. Thank you for the suggestion.

Thank you as well Tim, for your reply. I like that idea. I think I will try both.

Thank you, Alan, I am purchasing that today. Looking at it, it seems like a wonderful and helpful work. Many thanks to you for suggesting that reading.

I think that would be very helpful, Edward. It is a MUST need for today. Thank you all for your gracious replies.
Covenant Media Foundation now has all of Greg Bahnsen’s lectures for free, thanks to The Bahnsen Project. Bahnsen gave a series of lectures all the way through (I believe) Calvin’s Institutes. I haven’t listened to it, but Bahnsen was a masterful teacher and lecturer. There’s no way it wouldn’t help.
Thank you, Taylor, for your reply. I will check them out, it is very much appreciated! Additionally, nice to see a fair amount of people from Georgia here.
Thank you, Charles, for the reply. I think I will try that. The Institutes are an invaluable read but they will do me no good if I'm not understanding or really gleaning from them.
What was Calvin's doctrine of the Sabbath?
Regarding, Beeke. I really enjoy his works. However, I don't know if I've ever heard any of his sermons. I will definitely check them out. Thank you for the suggestion.

Thank you as well Tim, for your reply. I like that idea. I think I will try both.

Thank you, Alan, I am purchasing that today. Looking at it, it seems like a wonderful and helpful work. Many thanks to you for suggesting that reading.

I think that would be very helpful, Edward. It is a MUST need for today. Thank you all for your gracious replies.
Early on, Calvin was of the belief that the Sabbath need not be kept on Sunday, and that this is only done for convenience.
I've thought of trying to do a "reader's edition" of the Institutes - modern English and either convert the footnotes to end notes or dispense with them completely. It would be compeletely useless for scholars, but perhaps a good way to draw folks into the truths shown by Calvin.

The 1960 edition is in modern English. (Expensive, though.)
I'll check it out, Alex, thanks!

Thank you, Robert, that's very helpful and useful.

Thank you, Richard. That looks nice, however, I do not think my wife would go for that, haha. Thank you for your help!

Thank you for your reply, Wes. That is very encouraging for me. Additionally, I enjoyed your writing.

Thank you everyone!
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