The Chosen (Chaim Potok)

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Puritanboard Clerk
Potok, Chaim. The Chosen.

This is the story of Jewish identity in World War 2 America. Two Jewish scholars, one a Hasidic rabbi’s son, the other a professor’s, find their heritage through different ways. This novel fits the criteria of a good story: do you want to keep reading? The answer is yes. You do.

Christian readers will warm to the story because the Jewish communities in New York City are just so fascinating. You could perhaps learn about Hasidism from an encyclopedia, or you could watch it embodied in a synagogue in this story.

If you know a bit of Hebrew, the story is even more fascinating. Watching the rabbinic students debate the Talmud sometimes looks like an internet theology discussion.

The ending of the book is near perfect.
Another thing that struck me in this novel is how the religious Jew responded to Scripture. This is best summarized by a by Thorleif Bowman:

“When Socrates was seized by a problem, he remained immobile for an interminable period of time in deep thought; when Holy Scripture is read aloud in the synagogue, the Orthodox Jew moves his whole body ceaselessly in deep devotion and adoration.”
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