So, where should I put Luther?

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That put a huge smile on my face. We have tons of the play mobil things at my work, though no Luther yet...
Do you have children/grandchildren? Use it like the creepy 'Elf On A Shelf" thing some use around Christmastime.

"Dr. Luther is watching you, children. And he is NOT pleased."
My wife has started moving him to various places around my home office when I'm not in.
If you have any Roman Catholic friends, perhaps they'd like to burn him on a steak? Get it? A STEAK.
My Eastern Orthodox cousin has already pointed out the supposed hypocrisy of protestants creating and showing off an image of one of their spiritual heroes. I promised never to take him to church to march him around atop a pole during services.
Luther was probably the most influential Christian person aside from Christ and the Apostles in human history. That is no overstatement. Pedestals can be set high... But Luther will reject any pedestal you offer.
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