Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
... In the point of worship of God the Text saith clearly, Exod. 20.4. thou shalt not make unto thy self, that is, by thy own wit, any thing which may as an image be like to what God hath appointed, as an image is to the person; any thing which may keep God in mind, or keep or stir up affection to him, as a picture doth to him it represents; nay it reacheth further then that; the greatest reason in the world of any obedience is God’s nature: if he be God that gives being to all things, all things must depend on him by faith; if all things come from him, all things must return to him as the utmost end; he ought to be served with all a man hath, because all a man hath is from him.
This the nature of God teacheth a man; but the nature of God is not the reason, but his will is the reason of his outward worship: it doth not follow, if God be God he must be served with Sacraments, or such Ministers, but because he hath set it down and appointed it: the second Commandment doth forbid not only reason, but all divine reason, that is not sanctified by institution in the worship of God: I say not only all human, but all divine: Reason may be considered two ways; first, as it is a disposer and placer of all things in their order, and so it belongs to all knowledge and science: secondly, as it imports a Principle of doing any thing, and so God’s outward worship, hath no ground in any reason, but God’s will. ...
For more, see Sidrach Simpson: God’s will is the rule of worship.
This the nature of God teacheth a man; but the nature of God is not the reason, but his will is the reason of his outward worship: it doth not follow, if God be God he must be served with Sacraments, or such Ministers, but because he hath set it down and appointed it: the second Commandment doth forbid not only reason, but all divine reason, that is not sanctified by institution in the worship of God: I say not only all human, but all divine: Reason may be considered two ways; first, as it is a disposer and placer of all things in their order, and so it belongs to all knowledge and science: secondly, as it imports a Principle of doing any thing, and so God’s outward worship, hath no ground in any reason, but God’s will. ...
For more, see Sidrach Simpson: God’s will is the rule of worship.