I preached on the "4 all's of the Great Commission" (all authority is given to Christ so that we go to all the nations, and teach to observe all things, until all the days of the world are expired).
I. Challenging God
A. Building the Image
B. Building the Kingdom
II. Challenging God’s People
A. Attack
B. Anger
C. Assault
III. The Challenge is Met
A. Deliverance
B. Reaction
I preached this afternoon on Job 21, "When Life Doesn't Make Sense"
I. The Simple View of Life
A. For Zophar
B. For Us
II. An Inconvenient Truth
A. Focus on Reality
B. Real Life Shows the Wicked Do Prosper
C. The Main Purpose of the Book of Job
III. Why is this So?
A. We must take into the account chastisement from God
B. We must take into account the long-suffering of God
C. We must take into account the glory of God
We are continuing through the Gospel of John and in chapter 1 we are looking at the characteristics of an ideal Christian witness (part 6) morning sunday school is going through 2 Peter 3 (which we missed) but the sermon on John was astonishing as usual our Pastor is a wonderful Shepherd and brilliant teacher
Also some tremendous news for our Church!,This is the debut of our page and first sermon at SermonAudio,I am so happy I could just jump over my house!,This is the fruit of many heartfelt prayers and to have the opportunity to reach the world with God's Word preached here is a dream come true-Thanks be to God!!
We continued our series in James, looking at 1:18-27. The sermon was focused on how the Word changes Christian community:
I. The Word humbles - all of Scripture must be authoritative for how we live every aspect of our lives. We should humble ourselves to the Scriptures, the same way Jesus did in every aspect of His ministry.
II. The Word shapes - the Bible should be normative for every part of our life: words, deeds, imaginations, etc. Four disciplines for allowing the Word to shape us include:
A. Study it intently and deeply, not superficially
B. Allow it to define who we are, including exposing flaws and weaknesses
C. Repeat and practice what it teaches
D. Allow it to liberate you
III. The Word liberates - true freedom comes from a law that restricts us where we need to be. Just as a fish were made for water, so we are made to glorify God by obedience to His Word. We can only live according to the Word because of Christ's death and resurrection. Without Christ the Law is a burden, but because of Christ we can live for God as we were created to do.