Thanks for the great responses. If a Session were to examine and deem that the RB believed that his view of the sacraments were identical to theirs, could he under those circumstances administer them? It seems that the LBCF and the WCF differ especially on the two sacraments.
A biblical reformed presbyterian session (or presbytery) is not going to examine a minister from another denomination and let him adminster the sacraments, unless he was a candidate for transfer.
The examination process takes time, requires confirmation, it often is a several month process.
A visiting outsider is not regulated by the discipline of the biblical reformed presbyterian, including its whole system of doctrine, nor ought he be (he is accountable to the system that ordains and installs him).
This is not an interchangeable function- it's why biblical, reformed presbyterian churches have careful qualifications of teaching elders, because there is a good case at least, to say that is biblical.
If a Reformed Baptist had exactly the same system of doctrine (all of it), including infant baptism and all that goes with it- he ought seek ordination in that denomination, under its discipline.
Understand, this is NOT saying the minister is not a believer or doesn't have a biblical basis for his denominations distinctives- NONE of that.
---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 PM ----------
Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
Chapter 8
The Elder
8-5. When a man is called to labor as a teaching elder, it belongs to his
order, in addition to those functions he shares with all other elders, to feed
the flock by reading, expounding and preaching the Word of God and to
administer the Sacraments.
In the PCA, even an intern (for teaching elder) is not permitted to administer the sacraments (cf 19-5).