Reading group for Christian classics?

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Puritan Board Professor
Have any of you by chance run into a newly minted (I think) and organised reading group that spans churches (you can host one too..), Or you could partake online, who's aim it was to read two books this year on pastoral ministry? One was from Gregory of Nyssa, if I recall correctly (or one of the Cappadoccians), and the other by Bucer (again, if I recall). It seemed similar to the Davenant Institute only a poor layman's version.
I do not remember where or how I came across it but, I can't find it again even scouring my internet history across all my devices.
I have not come across it. Please let me know if you figure where this study is taking place.
I've been wanting to get something similar started. If anyone is interested, let me know.

Have any of you by chance run into a newly minted (I think) and organised reading group that spans churches (you can host one too..), Or you could partake online, who's aim it was to read two books this year on pastoral ministry? One was from Gregory of Nyssa, if I recall correctly (or one of the Cappadoccians), and the other by Bucer (again, if I recall). It seemed similar to the Davenant Institute only a poor layman's version.
I do not remember where or how I came across it but, I can't find it again even scouring my internet history across all my devices.

I think you are looking for
I have been invited to Bavinck and I believe the group you are speaking about on Facebook. They are private groups.
The books are likely:

Gregory the Great, The Book of Pastoral Rule
Martin Bucer, Concerning the True Care of Souls
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