Ravishing, conquering sweetness

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Ralph Erskine (The Best Match or the Incomparable Marriage...), Sermons 1:123:

It is true, persons may be matched to Christ who cannot condescend on the precise time. The Spirit may work many times some way that we cannot know; yet it is his ordinary way with his bride, after many tossings, to break in with ravishing, conquering sweetness, to draw forth her soul to a solemn remarkable closing with him, and consenting to him. Have you then been engaged to make over yourself to the bridegroom, by an unreserved resignation of yourself to him, that you will not only take him wholly and for ever, for holiness and happiness, for light and life, for grace and glory, but also make over yourself to him, soul and body, whatever you are, whatever you have been? Have you been thus made to yield yourselves unto the Lord? Are you one with him? Have you one spirit with him? Are you of one faith with him, of one way with him, endeavouring to walk as he walked? “He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit,” 1 Cor. 6:17.
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