A Fellow Pilgrim
Puritan Board Freshman
I noticed in your signature that you're in Cyprus, planting and pastoring a Reformed church! I'm very interested in how that started - like, were you already familiar with the area and just knew a church needed to be planted there, or where you sent from a 'mother' church to plant this one or did you inherit it? I understand what 'reformed' means now, but have never heard the term 'Three Forms of Unity' so would be grateful if you could tell me what that means. And finally, since you started the church plant there, how are things going for you and what do you find the most difficult about the planting and Pastoring, and what has most helped or hindered your church growth?
I hope these are not intrusive questions as I am genuinely interested. And also, if I have posted in the wrong area, my sincere apologies and perhaps someone with the authority and means to do so can move it to its rightful place.
I hope these are not intrusive questions as I am genuinely interested. And also, if I have posted in the wrong area, my sincere apologies and perhaps someone with the authority and means to do so can move it to its rightful place.