Puritan Board Freshman
Recently I attended a church that has decided to change it's policy on the fencing of
the Lords table. Before this change the fence was consistent with this passage from
Charles Hodges Systematice Theology
Charles Hodge states:
It cannot be doubted that it was required of the Jews in coming to the paschal supper that they should believe the fact of their miraculous deliverance out of Egypt that they should be duly grateful to God for that great mercy and that they should have faith in the promise of that still greater redemption through Him of whom their paschal lamb was the divinely appointed type. All this was implied in an intelligent and sincere attendance on the Jewish Passover. The priests, however, were not authorized to sit in judgment on the sincerity of the worshippers, and to exclude all whom they deemed insincere. So while faith, love, and the purpose of new obedience are clearly required of all who come to the table of the Lord, all that the Church can demand is a credible profession; that is, a profession against which no tangible evidence can be adduced. Even to acceptable prayer, faith and love and the purpose of obedience are demanded, and yet we cannot exclude from access to God all whom we do not deem true believers. Confounding the Church and the world is a great evil, but the Church cannot be kept pure by any human devices. Men must be so instructed that they will be kept back from making profession of a faith they do not possess, by their own consciences; and those who act unworthily of their Christian profession should be subjected to the discipline of the Church. Further than this the Bible does not authorize us to go, and all attempts to improve upon the Bible must be productive of evil. According to our Directory for Worship, the minister “is to warn the profane, the ignorant, and scandalous, and those that secretly indulge themselves in any known sin, not to approach the holy table.” To these classes his power of exclusion is confined. “On the other hand, he shall invite to this holy table, such as, sensible of their lost and helpless state of sin, depend upon the atonement of Christ for pardon and acceptance with God; such as, being instructed in the Gospel doctrine, have a competent knowledge to discern the Lord’s body, and such as desire to renounce their sins, and are determined to lead a holy and godly life.”
The church's new policy reads: Only those believers that are communicant members of a true church may come to the table. Also, all those who desire to come to the table must be examined by the elders to ascertain their faith and evidence of "a godly life".
Now I agree that the requirements of those who desire to become elders must be above reproach. But must those who desire to share in the Lord's supper, who have been baptized in a bible believing church have to undergo an examination by the elders before they are admitted to the table? They are also requireing all those who have been attending the church for yearts to attend a 12 week new members class and become official members of the church before they can share in the Lord's supper. And those who desire membership must complete the course and sustain examination before they can receive the supper. Those who have not yet become official formal members must now abstain from receiving the supper.
Does this not requirement of a profession of faith "plus" demonstration of a godly walk as ascertained by the elders undermine the gospel of faith apart from the works of the law?
the Lords table. Before this change the fence was consistent with this passage from
Charles Hodges Systematice Theology
Charles Hodge states:
It cannot be doubted that it was required of the Jews in coming to the paschal supper that they should believe the fact of their miraculous deliverance out of Egypt that they should be duly grateful to God for that great mercy and that they should have faith in the promise of that still greater redemption through Him of whom their paschal lamb was the divinely appointed type. All this was implied in an intelligent and sincere attendance on the Jewish Passover. The priests, however, were not authorized to sit in judgment on the sincerity of the worshippers, and to exclude all whom they deemed insincere. So while faith, love, and the purpose of new obedience are clearly required of all who come to the table of the Lord, all that the Church can demand is a credible profession; that is, a profession against which no tangible evidence can be adduced. Even to acceptable prayer, faith and love and the purpose of obedience are demanded, and yet we cannot exclude from access to God all whom we do not deem true believers. Confounding the Church and the world is a great evil, but the Church cannot be kept pure by any human devices. Men must be so instructed that they will be kept back from making profession of a faith they do not possess, by their own consciences; and those who act unworthily of their Christian profession should be subjected to the discipline of the Church. Further than this the Bible does not authorize us to go, and all attempts to improve upon the Bible must be productive of evil. According to our Directory for Worship, the minister “is to warn the profane, the ignorant, and scandalous, and those that secretly indulge themselves in any known sin, not to approach the holy table.” To these classes his power of exclusion is confined. “On the other hand, he shall invite to this holy table, such as, sensible of their lost and helpless state of sin, depend upon the atonement of Christ for pardon and acceptance with God; such as, being instructed in the Gospel doctrine, have a competent knowledge to discern the Lord’s body, and such as desire to renounce their sins, and are determined to lead a holy and godly life.”
The church's new policy reads: Only those believers that are communicant members of a true church may come to the table. Also, all those who desire to come to the table must be examined by the elders to ascertain their faith and evidence of "a godly life".
Now I agree that the requirements of those who desire to become elders must be above reproach. But must those who desire to share in the Lord's supper, who have been baptized in a bible believing church have to undergo an examination by the elders before they are admitted to the table? They are also requireing all those who have been attending the church for yearts to attend a 12 week new members class and become official members of the church before they can share in the Lord's supper. And those who desire membership must complete the course and sustain examination before they can receive the supper. Those who have not yet become official formal members must now abstain from receiving the supper.
Does this not requirement of a profession of faith "plus" demonstration of a godly walk as ascertained by the elders undermine the gospel of faith apart from the works of the law?