Professor Scipione

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W.C. Dean

Puritan Board Sophomore
Professor George Scipione of Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary died today after suffering from a stroke and adenocarcinoma of the liver. Pray for his family and students at RPTS.

You can check out the RPTS Facebook page for more information.

Since better is thy love than life
My lips thee praise shall give

Ps. 63:3
The mood at the Seminary has been quite somber. He will be greatly missed. I enjoyed sitting at the lunch table and talking to him. I came on-site when Keith Evans took over, so I only took one class (via distance) from Dr. Scipione. You could tell that He loved the Lord and cared for His people.
Dr. Scipione has had a huge impact on me not only as a professor/counselor but as a friend. I know many others who can say that he had a huge impact on their lives. Pray for his family to receive comfort in this difficult time.
I was blessed to be in the first ever class Dr. Scipione taught on site at RPTS, before the Rutherford Center was even purchased. Such a blessing to so many.
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