Practical Observations on Job by Jospeh Caryl

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Puritan Board Doctor
I was reading through soli deo gloria online and saw a small book of work by him and it said he had a 12 volume 8400 page commentarie on Job. Un believable the type of men the Puritans were.

Has anyone owned or read this work?


Nice set of books (for an Independent;)). The set before the reprint was very hard to get complete as the volumes were published over many years. I used to own an original 12 volume set all uniformly bound in new leather bindings. Was VERY nice; but took up too much real estate (space and money); glad I sold it before the reprint too! The reprint is good as you will not hurt the value of an expensive original reading it. Later after all the original twelve volumes were published, there was a second edition in two volumes in the 1670s I think; the folio edition, now that is the thing to have; they are supposedly tombstone size. The comments on the other threads are true; don't buy if you are not a fan. I really haven't read much in it. Here's a shot of the new edition:

[Edited on 10-26-2005 by NaphtaliPress]
It is an outstanding set, one which I have been using for a paper on the person of Christ in the book of Job. It is very refreshing to see how unashamed these Christians were about their biblical "presuppositions". Almost all of the dozen or so commentaries that I'm looking through either ignore Job's christology altogether, or go beyond that and explicitly repudiate that there could even be one! In opposition to this, Caryl devotes around 50pp. to discussing Christ in the famous passage of Job 19: 25-26 alone. Highly recommended.
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