I'm not trying to suggest that any of us are beyond any reproach to how we handle things here but this board has nearly 3000 members. It is not an easy task to keep up with the strong opinions that exist across the spectrum we represent on this Board. We do our best to allow differing views while trying to keep up with some of the excessive rhetoric here. As we have noted previously, if you have a problem with a particular post then report the post using the link in the upper right of each post that allows a user to express a complaint. We will review and try to moderate fairly but can never promise that everyone's sense of propriety will be satisfied.
If you post a complaint about moderation in the threads it will be deleted not because we loathe criticism but because it assumes moderating authority that the poster does not possess.
If you post a complaint about moderation in the threads it will be deleted not because we loathe criticism but because it assumes moderating authority that the poster does not possess.