Plea for republishing Francis Roberts' magnum opus on the covenants

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Puritan Board Junior
Does anyone know if there are any publishers considering republishing Francis Roberts' Mystery and Marrow of the Bible? If not, can I make a plea? It's the most comprehensive volume I know of ever published on the covenants. It's scholarly yet incredibly devotional. It deserves to be republished. It's quite a task at 1700 pages, but I think something similar could be done as with the recent edition of Vos' Dogmatics; that edition is nearly 1300 pages but not even an inch thick. Someone, please!
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Become a sponsor of Naphtali Press Special Editions! :) If the series can get established, I know the publisher would be in a position to take requests from sponsors or if someone is keenly interested in a title, they can specially sponsor it. These never will pay for themselves projects is the sort of thing NPSE was set up for, which does sponsorship drives each year to raise funding to create the texts, which are then produced and made available by Reformation Heritage Books.
Does anyone know if there are any publishers considering republishing Francis Roberts' Mystery and Marrow of the Bible? If not, can I make a plea? It's the most comprehensive volume I know of ever published on the covenants. It's scholarly yet incredibly devotional. It deserves to be republished. It's quite a task at 1700 pages, but I think something similar could be done as with the recent edition of Vos' Dogmatics; that edition is nearly 1300 pages but not even an inch thick. Someone, please!
I can see RHB taking the project on at some stage, but we have to be patient with publishers. There are only so many hours in the day, after all.
Become a sponsor of Naphtali Press Special Editions! :) If the series can get established, I know the publisher would be in a position to take requests from sponsors or if someone is keenly interested in a title, they can specially sponsor it. These never will pay for themselves projects is the sort of thing NPSE was set up for, which does sponsorship drives each year to raise funding to create the texts, which are then produced and made available by Reformation Heritage Books.
Chris, how much would you need to raise to complete a volume like Roberts'?
Hard to be exact as I have not looked at the text other than noting it would be multi volume. This year I set the goal to raise $24K to do three complicated titles not including translation costs for one of the projects which has a separate drive. If this work were done all in one year either solely or with one other 1 vol. title, depending on how large it actually is, i.e. if it took all three volume slots I set to do a year, that is probably the ball park I would shoot for as actual time costs but likely proceed if raise decent percentage of that.
Trust me when I say Robert's treatise has been on my radar for some time and I have mentioned it in passing. Once we get underway with translating Rutherford's works, I am going to formally propose Roberts. Being how big we are, we can only take on so many major projects at once.

It has not been announced as of yet, but we are publishing Robert's Believer's Evidence for Eternal Life next year. My hopes are that this will drum up excitement for Roberts and work towards getting Mystery and Marrow published.
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