Piper's Response to Wright Arrived Today

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Puritanboard Commissioner
John Piper's The Future of Justification: A Response to N.T. Wright arrived in the mail today. Back cover includes kudos from Peter T. O'Brien, D.A. Carson, Thomas Schreiner, Andreas Kostenberger, Darrell Bock, and Richard Gaffin. It looks interesting! :book2:
Creation: Not all Biblical-Theological Methods and Categories are Illuminating

The Relationship Between Covenant and Law-Court Imagery for Justification

The Law-Court Dynamics of Justification and the Meaning of God's Righteousness

The Law-Court Dynamics of Justification and the Necessity of Real Moral Righteousness

Justification and the Gospel: When Is the Lordship of Jesus Good News?

Justification and the Gospel: Does Justification Determine Our Standing with God?

The Place of Our Works in Justification

Does Wright Say with Different Words What the Reformed Tradition Means by "Imputed Righteousness"?

Paul's Structural Continuity wth Second-Temple Judaism?

The Implications for Justification of the Single Self-Righteous Root of 'Ethnic Badges' and 'Self-Help Moralism"

"That in Him We Might Become the Righteousness of God"


Appendix One - What Does It Mean that Israel Did Not 'Attain the Law Because She Pursued It 'Not by Faith But as Though It Were by Works"?

Appendix Two - Thoughts on LAw and Faith in Galatians 3

Appendix Three - Thoughts on Gal 5;6 and the Relationship Between Faith and Love

Appendix Four - Using the Law Lawfully: Thoughts on 1 Tim 1:5-11

Appendix Five - Does the Doctrine of Imputation of Christ's Righteousness Imply That the Cross Is Insufficient for Our Right Standing with God?

Appendix Six - Twelve Theses on What it Means to Fulfill the Law: With Special Reference to Romans 8:4
That was generous of Piper. Thanks for the link, Mark!

Yes, thanks for the link. I don't mind reading a book in print form but would prefer to have it in electronic format for research purposes.

What a difference between Piper and some of the other big church pastors who charge you up the kazoo for an outline or any other resource. Piper has always been quite generous with his books and MP3s.
Wright's response to Piper:

"Piper is in a different category. He graciously sent me an advance manuscript of his book which is critiquing me and invited my comments on it. I sent him a lengthy set of comments. I’ve only just got on email about two days ago the book in the revised form and I haven’t had a chance to look at it yet. So I cannot say whether he’s being fair or not at this stage.

But I do know that he has done his darndest to be fair and I honor that and I respect that. People have asked me if I’m going to write a response, and the answer is that I don’t know. I’m kind of busy right now. But I maybe should, sooner or later."

From here.
What a difference between Piper and some of the other big church pastors who charge you up the kazoo for an outline or any other resource. Piper has always been quite generous with his books and MP3s.

It was one of the biggest things that stood out to me when I first came to the doctrines of grace. We can disagree with some of what he says and does, but the guy just has a passionate heart for the Lord and wants to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. He's willing to give away stuff for free if need be. :up:
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