Philip Schaff

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Puritan Board Doctor
Any thoughts on Schaff's work? I've wanted to start reading more church history from a Protestant perspective and his 8 vol. set is on sale for under $50 right now.
Haven't read his Church History but his work on creeds is a little too pro-Roman Catholic for my taste.
Get it---if nothing else, it's considered a classic and time spent engaging great minds (whether or not you agree with them) is never time wasted.
I love it. I took a class on it. I wouldn't say it's too "Catholic." After having read all 8 volumes, he's a Reforemd calvinist in his presuppositions.
He has an amazing ability to write about interesting things in a dull way.
I got the 8vol. set and have to say it's very good! I learned that I was a Hussite all along!
if you have any involvement with church history, you shouldn't be caught scratching your head and saying "Philip Schaff who?"
He has an amazing ability to write about interesting things in a dull way.

Yeah, well I think D'Aubigne beats him at that!

D'Aubigne is a decent writer: Schaff is not terribly good at writing (or at writing well, since obviously the mechanical production of works was not very difficult for him), and interjects ridiculous remarks along the way.
interjects ridiculous remarks along the way.

Can you please give me an example like vol. and page so I can see for myself what you are speaking about. I am not questioning you, but I want to see for myself what you are speaking about.
How dare you question me?!

Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, v.2, ch.6,§76, p.267
"Art reaches its real perfection in worship, as an embodiment of devotion in beautiful forms, which afford a pure pleasure, and at the same time excite and promote devotional feeling."
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