PCA Licensure Transfer?

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Puritan Board Freshman
I recently passed my licensure exams in the Rocky Mountain Presbytery and will soon be joining a new PCA church in AZ. Is it possible to transfer licensure from presbytery to presbytery? My understanding is that licensure does not transfer, and thus I get to test all over again. Is that correct?
Perhaps such process can be "streamlined" a bit, and your new jurisdiction will make your transition simpler than if you never had taken the exams you have. You should submit yourself to whatever process they demand.

All the same, it is worth considering that you might just leave things as they are, with your license--good throughout the PCA--held by RMP (if they take no action or ask you to take action). You could be ordained before RMP feels the need to revisit your case of licensure.

If RMP sends to tell you they are rescinding their license, clearly in such a case you would need to go to the Presbytery that has current oversight of the congregation where your membership is settled and ask them to take you through their process. By going yourself early to the current Presbytery, to at least ask them if you should be re-licensed, you could preempt questions about the status of your license down the line.
There is no technical transfer of a license to preach. The new presbytery may take into account the previous licensure with respect to the extent of examining a man. See BCO 19-5:

19-5. When any licentiate shall have occasion to remove from the bounds of his Presbytery into those of another, the latter Presbytery may, at its discretion, on his producing proper testimonials from the former, repeat any portion of the previous Presbytery’s examination it desires. The Presbytery into whose bounds the licentiate is moving, however, must at least examine the man concerning:
a. his Christian experience,
b. his call to preach the Gospel,
c. his views in theology,
d. Bible content,
e. church government.
This Presbytery then may license him to preach within its bounds.
Per Fred's note, it is up to the discretion of the Presbytery. Even ministers transferring into a Presbytery could be subjected to whatever examination a Presbytery desires, but most have altered processes for transferring ministers as it touches on views.

For what it's worth, I think most Presbyteries would take into account your prior examinations and not make the new process as stringent. The best thing to do is contact the Presbytery and contact the Chair of the Credentials Committee.
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I've been curious about this topic lately myself. Commenting thankfulness for the question and insight.
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