Pancake Day!!

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Puritan Board Doctor
I love Shrove Tuesday!

Not because I follow the church year (other then the 5 evangelical feast days) But because i love pancakes!

And every place you turn this week some place is offering a "pancake special".

Now I must admit a vested interest in this issue; I am the president of the South-East New Brunswick Maple Producers Association. And as such I think that any effort that results in more syrup on pancakes has to be of God!

So does anyone have a favorite pancake and syrup story they would like to share?
I like 'em both.

This past Sunday I had biscuits & gravy (made by my wife) along with pancakes (made by my mum). And boys, I was feelin real comfortable.
Pancakes are the ultimate comfort food cause you can eat em any time of the day. Trying doing that with mac and cheese. Don't go too good with breakfast, now do it?
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