Our Destiny by Stanley Horton. Yuck!

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Puritan Board Junior
This is one of the required readings in my Revelations class as representative of the pentecostal dispensational pre-trib pre-mil eschatology. It is an incredibly one-sided book that is heavily apologetic for his own position. In advancing his arguments he uses terms like "clearly" or "surely" with no regard for opposing arguments.

After Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, a change began to take place. The pastors and superintendents of the churches no longer took the role of servant leaders. Instead, they followed the pattern of the Roman Empire... Many bishops then began to look at their churches as power bases. The attention was soon on earthly power and authority rather than on the blessed hope of the Church. As a result, amillennialism arose as a denial of any future kingdom of God on earth. p.168

He also attributes Amillennialism to Augustine who,
Like many of the so-called church fathers of that period, he was more influenced by the pagan Greek philosophy of Plato than by the Bible. p. 169

Now Stanley Horton is already over 90 years of age and I do admire him for remaining faithful in a lot of things. He came to teach at my seminary a few years back and was quite a humble guy I heard. But this book..! Argh :flamingscot::flamingscot::banghead::stirpot:

Ok just a rant.
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