Nothing you can need, but a supply is promised

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Robert Traill (The Throne of Grace), Works 1:74:

They are exceeding great and precious promises that are given to us, 2 Peter 1:4. When a believer looks within, he seeth great and manifold wants and necessities; that he hath nothing, and wants every thing. Some have thought, that they wanted more grace than ever any sinner did; yet never any wanted more than is in the promises. There is surely more grace in the promises, than there is want in the creature. Creature-wants cannot exhaust God’s fulness of grace; and all this fulness is in the promises. There is more of grace in the promise, than there can be of sin and misery in the man that pleads it. Take heed how you compare your necessities with the fulness of the promises. Nothing you can need, but a supply is promised. Study your hearts and God’s covenant, and you will quickly find it to be so. We may ask any thing; for God hath promised every thing, Psalm 84:11.
Indeed Our Lord will grant any petition that is asked in good faith. As I grow older I am learning what "good" faith is and is not.
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