Puritan Board Junior
Hello all. Was browsing some books last night and came across one entitled "The Faith of the Church Militant" by a second generation Reformer by the name of Niels Hemmingsen. It looks very interesting, but I dont really know the ins and outs of what separates early Lutheran writers from general Reformed thought. Doing a little research it is said "Niels Hemmingsen is the single-most important figure among the second generation of Danish reformers." My question is, has anybody read this book, or, could someone give a concise overview on the areas it would be problematic. Him and Luther were alive at the same time, and it is said he was a student of Melanchthon. I have to admit I am attracted to the book by its title, not seeing many books titled as such, am just looking if anybody has some background info. Thank you all in advance.
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