Need 1802 Durham on Ten Commandments check

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Staff member
If someone on PB has the 1802 edition of Durham on the Ten Commandments or the SWRB reprint (I think it was the 1802) can you let me know. I need someone to check a reading.
Yes; the 1802. I have those of the 1735. I need the 1802 readings to confirm if the same error in the 1735 persists. If you look here in the 1735 (link) you will see at the bottom of the page they do a catchword and on the next page the word "tilling" should have appeared before the "sowing", but it doesn't. Is the same error in the 1802?
No problem. Actually, with our site's software, one need only select a portion of a book, image, etc., then just copy and paste it into a post. No need for any saving of the file and uploading it.

So just use Windows Snipping tool (or ABBY FineReader's nice Screenshot Reader that I always keep open on the task bar.

Windows Snipping tool:

1. Open a pdf doc
2. Open Snipping Tool so that it is now atop the pdf doc
3. Set tool's Mode to "Rectangular Snip", then select "New"
4. Now just drag and select a portion of the doc
5. Snipping tool reverts to show what was selected
6. From the tool's menu bar select "Edit", then "Copy"
7. Paste what was just copied into a PB post editing window

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