Great time to get both these books if you have not done so as this is near cost and can't go much lower. I need the space. Gillespie's EPC and Bownd's True Doctrine of the Sabbath. George Gillespie's Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies is the ultimate treatment of Presbyterian doctrine governing the worship of God and Nicholas Bownd's True Doctrine of the Sabbath is the grandfather of all subsequent Puritan/Presbyterian books dealing with the Christian Sabbath. For a limited time purchase either for just $16 postage paid or pick up both critical editions of these puritan classics for $30.00 postage paid. Hardbound, dj, approx 600pp each volume. These retail at $43.50 and $30 respectively. These prices are USA only. Note: in picture the other titles are out of print, except there is still a regular edition of the deluxe edition of the Westminster Larger Catechism Transcripts of the surviving manuscripts still in print.