Meditation ideas?

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Puritan Board Professor
Has anyone used these ideas for meditation?
I am particularly interested in the Joseph Hall questions. However, the concept mapping idea intrigues me too since its a helpful teaching strategy.
How do you meditate? Just ponder?
At work times, Christian meditation seems rather elusive the way I read about it. Perhaps, I still have more of an alien and carnal Catholic idea of meditation (i.e. Ex opere operato, difficulty, etc.) Imputing ideas that shouldn't be there.
I have been lacking in this lately and upon reading TGC I was reminded of what I have been studying to use in teaching, retrieval methods.
God definitely wants us to use retrieval practice!
You may like to consider Ranew's work recently republished "Solitude Improved by Divine Meditation". My copy should arrive in the mail soon.

I mention it because it is probably the fullest Puritan and Reformed work on meditation ever published. A Puritans Mind has an insightful outline of this work.

I also like the publishers comments about this work "The premise of the book is that one should never waste time when alone, for that time could be spent in meditating upon God. Ranew covers what meditation is, that it is a duty for every Christian, how we can go about that duty, and how meditation is a spiritual pleasure."
Saxton's God's Battle Plan for the Mind is a fantastic introduction to the lost practice of Divine Meditation. Ranew is incomparable on the topic. I would also suggest listening to Dr. Beeke on the topic:
I also gained great spiritual help from John Owen's work "Spiritual Mindedness" (Banner of Truth Puritan paperback). One could add others like Thomas Watson's "Christian on the Mount". There are many wonderful Puritan works on meditation available today.
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