May 5

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Randall Pederson

Puritan Board Freshman

Perceive the force and power of faith; faith made them love Christ, though they had never seen him, as which told them of so great things done for them by him, whereby they could not but be exceedingly knit in love unto him, and be content to suffer for him. It's an increase of love to love one we never saw; for sight moveth much and draweth the heart, but by faith we love what we never saw, as we love many good Christians which we never saw, because by faith we believe that they are members of Christ, and fellow members with us: So we love Christ because we believe what great things he hath done for us, and tht we shall see him one day in his glory when we also by him shall be set in possession thereof. So that if we believe these things, we cannot but love Christ, though we never saw him.

John Rogers, A Godly and Fruitful Exposition upon the First Epistle of Peter (London, 1657), 52.

This post is not in Day by Day with the English Puritans so I'm positive Hendrickson won't mind.
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