Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
[Martin] Luther spoke of the importance of understanding the Psalter in the light of Christ. He rebuked those ‘who have a carnal understanding of the Psalms, like the Jews, who always apply the Psalms to ancient history apart from Christ’. Luther expected something more from a Christian interpreter, for ‘Christ has opened the mind of those who are His so that they might understand the Scriptures’.
Mark D. Thompson, A Sure Ground on Which to Stand: The Relation of Authority and Interpretive Method in Luther’s Approach to Scripture (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2006), p. 154.
Mark D. Thompson, A Sure Ground on Which to Stand: The Relation of Authority and Interpretive Method in Luther’s Approach to Scripture (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2006), p. 154.