Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
... And therefore in this platform of prayer, his purpose is to shew, how few and small a number of words we must use in prayer, contrary to the vain babbling of the Pharisees & of the Heathen. [II] Who is to be called upon, or to whom we must direct our prayer: [III] with what confidence we must pray: [IV] how and for what causes: [V] what things we are to ask: [VI] in what order: [VII] by what mean: [VIII] and for what end.
And thus are all the principal points, which are required in true prayer, contained in this platform. So that it was both truly and finely said of Austin in an Epistle to Proba, we have liberty in praying to use other words so that we say the same things which this prayer containeth: but we have not liberty to say other, divers or contrary things. And this it is which Mathew saith, cap. 6. v. 9. thus, or after this manner pray ye. And that saying of Christ recorded by S. Luke 11. v. 2. when ye pray, say is all one with this. ...
For more, see Martin Chemnitz on the Lord’s Prayer and brevity.
And thus are all the principal points, which are required in true prayer, contained in this platform. So that it was both truly and finely said of Austin in an Epistle to Proba, we have liberty in praying to use other words so that we say the same things which this prayer containeth: but we have not liberty to say other, divers or contrary things. And this it is which Mathew saith, cap. 6. v. 9. thus, or after this manner pray ye. And that saying of Christ recorded by S. Luke 11. v. 2. when ye pray, say is all one with this. ...
For more, see Martin Chemnitz on the Lord’s Prayer and brevity.