Luther Quote on Beer

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Puritan Board Freshman
I stumbled across the following humorous quote from Luther:

"Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!"

Does anyone know the source of this quote?
Sounds suspiciously like Luther's mindset pre-reformation rather than his emphasis on faith not works as a reformer.
Sounds suspiciously

According to the wikipedia article on Luther, the quote is "disputed." See the bottom of the wiki page where it says about the quote, "Widely attributed to Luther, but it is not clear what work it comes from. The earliest evidence of this quote yet found is a 2007 blogpost."

I am pleased to learn -- as I suspected when I read it -- that evidence does not support the attribution of the statement to Luther. The quotation certainly does not reflect a serious regard for the Third Commandment in the way it addresses sin, heaven, salvation, or temperance.
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