Lord's Day 39 (2018). M'Cheyne 3 of 5.

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Lord's Day 39 (2018). M'Cheyne 3 of 5. “This is the reason we love it [the Lord’s Day], and would keep it entire. We love everything that is Christ’s. We love His Word. It is better to us than thousands of gold and silver. ‘O how we love His law! it is our study all the day.’ We love His house. It is our trysting-place with Christ, where He meets with us and communes with us from off the mercy seat. We love His table….” Robert Murray M'Cheyne. "Christ is born, is circumcised, dies, rises again for us every day in the preaching of the Gospel." Danæu. "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24.
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