liberty from coaction

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Puritan Board Freshman
Could somebody explain to me what Turretin means by liberty from coaction?
He writes in Volume One of his Elenctic Theology on page 569. (Eight Topic: The State of Man before the Fall amd the Covenant of Nature):

IV. Liberty is fourfould: (1) the liberty of independence which belongs to God as the first being; this is opposed to the necessity of dependence which belongs to all creatures.
(2) Liberty from coaction by which man acts spontaneously and with freedom; this is opposed to the necessity of coaction seen in those who act through force. (3) ...

Now it seems to me that he simply meams by coaction external force as I understamd him, but thats all of the explanation here.
The other thing is what does he mean by "by which man acts spontaneously and with freedom”? Does he just take a definition of the medieval scholastics before him? Anselm's On Free Will (De libertate arbitrii) comes to mind, which seems to have a similar definition with acting spontaneously

Anselm, De libertate arbitrii 2: Et per potestatem peccandi et sponte et per liberum arbitrium et non ex necessitate nostra et angelica natura primitus peccavit et servire potuit peccato;...
Liberty from coaction is freedom from external compulsion contrary to your own will. E.g., when your older brother seizes your wrist and makes your hand slap your face and demands "Why are you hitting yourself" the slap was due to a necessity of coaction.

One can act under a natural or internal necessity, and still act freely. See Richard Muller, Dictionary of Latin & Greek Theological Terms, s.v., libertas a coactione; necessitas coactionis; liberum arbitrium.
E.g., when your older brother seizes your wrist and makes your hand slap your face and demands "Why are you hitting yourself" the slap was due to a necessity of coaction.
That has to be one of the best explanations of a theological concept I have ever read. My hat is off to you, sir.
E.g., when your older brother seizes your wrist and makes your hand slap your face and demands "Why are you hitting yourself" the slap was due to a necessity of coaction.

That sounds like someone who speaks from experience!
Since my brother is a member of the Board, I should hasten to clarify that I recall no such instance of a necessity of coaction being imposed upon me!
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