John Prime on the church’s imperfection and duty to strive for perfection

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Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
Herein it is not amiss to be noted that not only some small church truly so called, though in some points imperfect, but many churches may go astray, whole populous churches may be seduced. For truly people, whether sole and single or assembled and making a church or churches, are but people, and therefore prone to sin and soon deceived; and as the moon does often eclipse, so churches may sometimes err.

And yet another good observation it is, that if anyone therefore will needs be willful and unwilling to contend to perfection because all people necessarily have imperfections, verily that person is unwise and wants grace and can be no child of the church of God, which is a house of such people as invoke and call on the holy name of God. And whosoever so does, of duty must evermore more and more depart as far as possible from all iniquity. ...

For the reference, see John Prime on the church’s imperfection and duty to strive for perfection.
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