Johann Heinrich Heidegger's Introduction to the NT (Epistles)

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Heidegger whets our appetite for the study of the Epistle of James!

He is going to present the older view of authorship. Exciting!

Interesting: Heidegger considers James, not Hebrews, as the first General/Catholic Epistle.

Who was the "James" that wrote the Epistle of James? James the Less? James the Just? Some other?

Heidegger explores...

Do not miss Matthew Poole (a never-before published portion of the "Synopsis"!) in the "Comments".

To whom was James writing?

Heidegger explores...

Was Luther right to question the Canonical Authority of the Epistle of James?

Heidegger explores...

Don't miss De Moor's synopsis in the "Comments" section!

Why did James write his epistle? What issues was he seeking to address?

Heidegger summarizes...

What is the Epistle of James about? and why does his teaching appear to differ from that of Paul?

Heidegger summarizes James in three sentences! Helpful!

When did James write his Epistle?

A late composition and circulation may do much to explain its troubled and late reception in some places.

The Epistle of James is sometimes called the Wisdom Book of the New Testament.

New to James? Need a refresher?

Heidegger's outline can help!

The Book of James is a Wisdom Feast!

Heidegger serves it up in five courses...

The General Epistles are too generally neglected.

Heidegger gives us the best old interpreters of these precious books.

Get David Dickson on the NT Epistles!

Heidegger has given us an introduction to James...

Interested in a detailed treatment? Get Thomas Manton's commentary. You won't be sorry...

The hostility of the world to Jesus Christ and His disciples is bubbling to the surface again.

How should we then live? 1 Peter is full of instruction...
Who wrote 1 Peter?

Heidegger gives the older view, grounded in real history, rather than scholarly speculation.
Who were Peter's intended readers? The believing Jews of the Diaspora!
What circumstances moved Peter to write 1 Peter?

Heidegger explores...

Get (re-)Acquainted with 1 Peter!

Heidegger summarizes the contents of this precious Epistle in 3 sentences! Valuable!
A mystery of history...

A Hebrew original for 1 Peter?! What?!!

Heidegger explores...

See the more lengthy treatment of De Moor in the "Comments".
Peter wrote from "Babylon"...but from which one? literal? mystical? or some other?

Heidegger explores...
When was 1 Peter written?

Heidegger weighs the arguments...
New to 1 Peter?

Or, in need of a refresher?

Heidegger provides us with a helpful outline...
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New to 1 Peter?

Or, in need of a refresher?

Heidegger provides us with a helpful outline...
What are the best modern commentaries on 1 Peter?

Heidegger gives us the best of the old (and there are some precious gems here!)...
Have you ever studied 2 Peter?

In need of a refresher?

Join us as we study through this Epistle with Heidegger!

New posts almost daily...
Who wrote 2 Peter?

Heidegger dismisses the argument against Petrine authorship based upon diversity of style. Brief, but worthy of careful contemplation...
The reception of 2 Peter into the Canon was relatively late. Why?

Heidegger explores...
Was 2 Peter written to believing Jews of the Diaspora?

Heidegger briefly makes the case...
The small epistles of the NT deal much with the problem of false teachers...and are comparatively neglected by us.

Is this why we seem to have so little ability to address this problem in our midst?

Heidegger gives a brief summary of 2 Peter...
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