Is the Purpose model Roman?

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Puritan Board Junior
A quote from a local paper....

"The Purpose Driven Life" has ...40 lessons divided into chapters on the "five eternal purposes."

Each lesson consists of a few simple pages of large type liberally sprinkled with drawings, quote boxes and summaries of key points.

Each lesson ends with a "point to ponder," a "verse to remember" and a "question to consider."

Donna Petit, a former Roman Catholic who joined Saddleback Church 11 years ago with her husband, says the church and the book have helped her fully understand the biblical message behind the Catholic liturgy for the first time. "Religion before didn't give me the reality of who God can be "” that he can be sleeping, eating, breathing," says Petit, a 37-year-old stay-at-home mom. "Pastor Rick takes these huge concepts and squishes them down. And because of that, it's doable; you know, I can trust God for today."


Originally posted by Robin
A quote from a local paper....

"The Purpose Driven Life" has ...40 lessons divided into chapters on the "five eternal purposes."

Each lesson consists of a few simple pages of large type liberally sprinkled with drawings, quote boxes and summaries of key points.

Each lesson ends with a "point to ponder," a "verse to remember" and a "question to consider."

Donna Petit, a former Roman Catholic who joined Saddleback Church 11 years ago with her husband, says the church and the book have helped her fully understand the biblical message behind the Catholic liturgy for the first time. "Religion before didn't give me the reality of who God can be "” that he can be sleeping, eating, breathing," says Petit, a 37-year-old stay-at-home mom. "Pastor Rick takes these huge concepts and squishes them down. And because of that, it's doable; you know, I can trust God for today."



The lady's quotes ("a former Roman Catholic") do not seem to support the writer's spin on "Catholic liturgy". Let me say that, as a former Roman Catholic myself, I never really understood some of the things that the RC church did until I was converted and started to actually read the Bible and some reformed writers. Does reading John Calvin or Rick Warren mean I'm on the path back to Rome? Now from what I've read here perhaps some of you might think that is the case, that folsk can unwittingly adopt Roman theology from reading a RW book.

Seems some folks here are really stretching to bash RW.

I wonder how the 9th commandment fits here. It makes me sad to think that reformed people stoop to the same tactics they we do not care for in our theological opponents, e.g., lifting quotes out of context, reading them in the worst possible light rather than the best, getting our primary infomation from critics rather than primary sources. But, then again, as a Theonomist, I've experiened this first hand from reformed opponents to Theonomy. I'm not surprised, just disappointed.
The strawman won't work, Tom....

Kindly note the link provided so as to check the context of the quote. It is NOT misrepresented.

It's OK to be opponants. And it's OK to point-out questions. I have rightly made each of my questions accountable to primary sources and in sound context.

My former question: "Is the Purpose system Roman?" is a serious one.

Let us approach important questions with thoughtfulness and maturity, OK?

Thanks so much.

Robin ;)
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