I do in fact provide a link between the "word ministry" and "laymen" above and also here. Either you're not reading my argument or your unwilling to engage.
As noted, I have already engaged. Follow your link back to your articles and see where you have linked them on Puritan Board in the past and you will see my assessment.
I am well aware of Andrew Lincoln's minority interpretation of Ephesians 4:12 and, like most competent scholars today, reject it on linguistic, grammatical, and contextual grounds.
He has provided linguistic arguments; your article does not address those arguments. Simply taking sides with what you consider to be the majority postion of "most competent sholars today" is, basically, unscholarly.
Reverend Winzer, I'm quite familiar with Carson's work and use it as a textbook for our seminary. For what it's worth, Carson himself would reject your brand of clericalism
That is beside the point. The point I made is that you are using Carson's Exegetical Fallacies in a way he repudiates in the Introduction to his book. If you do use this as a textbook to teach others, you are all the more responsible to ensure you are using it in a right manner.