'If God be for us'

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Thanks, Heidi, for posting this.

This air meant a great deal to me in graduate school in VA. I felt quite alone--and opposed-- at the University in the stance that I had taken for the gospel. I would frequently listen to sacred music on Sabbath afternoons after lunch and fellowship with the saints. Handel's Messiah was a favorite and I'll never forget upon a particular audition of it how the Lord used this air to encourage me, particularly the line "who makes intercession for us." That was just what I needed to hear--that in my distress, I enjoyed not only a past or future exercise of Christ's priestly office, but a present one, in that He was then and there, and always is, interceding for me at the right hand of the Father. Joy flooded my downcast soul and I rejoiced then, and do now, in Christ's present intercessory work on my, on our, behalf.

Thank you Dr. Strange. I will love this piece even more knowing the comfort it brought to another of Christ's own at such a time. I can well understand how much less alone we are in the realisation that Christ is *even now* interceding for us.

That is the phrase I especially noticed this morning, praying about some situations with dear friends. However anxious we feel -- even however little grace we may seem to have in a needy hour -- we are safely kept through our Saviour's present prayers. He won't lose us now. There is comfort in praying for one another, because He is praying.

This is one of my most favorite parts of the Messiah.

Venky, Shammi, and I listened to Handel's Messiah on the way up to and back from Kokomo, Indiana for the final session of Presbytery last Friday. What a blessed time of hearing and singing God's word sung to beautiful composition!

I was in Choir in High School and our Teacher had us perform the Messiah every year. I didn't understand a single thing about the piece till I became a Christian in 1981. I have always been so thankful Mr. Wise did this for us. It was grueling work but we learned it and sang it. I was first tenor. Mr. Wise Loved The Lord and us kids. I miss him.
Randy that is an encouraging testimony that God's word does not come back to Him void, even though it doesn't seem to have immediate effect :). I'm sure your teacher would have loved to hear you singing the Messiah with your friends in the car.

I can't sing much at all, I'm afraid :). Like reading aloud, it wears me out too quickly. I wonder if I will be able to sing in heaven or if I will be able to sit somewhere quietly and full of delight (as I like to do now) hearing God's people sing about Him, sharing a little bit of His joy even in the imperfect voices whose praise He paid to hear with His own blood.
Taylor's choir sang a portion of Handel's Messiah. It was absolutely breath taking. I can't remember what part they sang, but it was special. I love Handel's Messiah as well. I'm hoping my girl's orchestra will play it at some point.

I can't sing much at all, I'm afraid :).

I can sing, but usually it's best that I don't for obvious reasons. I think we'll all be singing in heaven. :)


I think this is beautiful. I can't remember if I sent you this or not, Heidi. Taylor's Choir Ensemble from Governor's School sang this two years ago. It was amazing.
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Mindy I did get to see that one before and bookmarked and listened to it quite a few times -- very lovely :).

I'm sure your kids love to hear you sing. A mother's song are much more lasting and significant than a lot of merely substantial things they could give their kids -- especially through the hard times.
That was pretty awesome Mindy.

I love my Mommy to death! But she couldn't hit the side of a Barn with a Bass Fiddle in relation to singing or hitting a note vocally. She is constantly flat. She took up sign Choir. LOL. And that was still music to our hearts.
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