I feel like presup is mostly pointless

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Dyer has set Christian debating back several hundred years. I normally make it a point to cheer for whoever is debating him. He pretends to be your friend on social media, and then challenges you to debate him at his discord RIGHT NOW!!!! If you don't, he curses at you and blocks you. He doesn't realize that we don't have time to debate--scratch that, get interrupted by him and his manlet followers.

He used to be a Bahnsenite, then became Sedevecantist Catholic, then became Orthodox, then became almost Jewish, then because alt-right Orthodox (again). He is unstable in all his ways.
I think I recognize this guy now. Didn't he go through some kind of "Jewish Christian" phase. I believe he insisted on YouTube to stop using the name Jesus but the Jewish yeshu or however its spelled. If so he used to be a member here. I think he got banned. Because he was trashing this board afterwards. He's a jerk.
I'm trying yo remember my interactions with him. This may have been before you joined Jacob. If I remember correctly, don't hold me to it old man memory and all, I wasn't even good enough as a fellow presuppositionalist. Unstable doesn't even begin to cover it, I've known meth addicts I'd rather have a conversation with.
I think I recognize this guy now. Didn't he go through some kind of "Jewish Christian" phase. I believe he insisted on YouTube to stop using the name Jesus but the Jewish yeshu or however its spelled. If so he used to be a member here. I think he got banned. Because he was trashing this board afterwards. He's a jerk.
I'm trying yo remember my interactions with him. This may have been before you joined Jacob. If I remember correctly, don't hold me to it old man memory and all, I wasn't even good enough as a fellow presuppositionalist. Unstable doesn't even begin to cover it, I've known meth addicts I'd rather have a conversation with.

That description escalated quickly.
That description escalated quickly.
Yeah I know my problem now, and it is my fault. I'm not on Facebook, this board is the extent of my social media. I've been thinking all these years that Red Beetle, Jay Dyer, and Southern Israelite were the same person. I thought "he", this uninformed on my part phantasm, was just changing his name. I didn't bother looking into who they were because I generally don't care about internet kooks, outside of entertainment.
Wow I feel so stupid, all these years I thought they were the same guy. But at least one of them was on here, years ago, and thats who I interacted with. Then he was blocked, thus foiling his dreams of being the next Machen (there can be only one I say jokingly).
Thats what I thought too, guy goes from being a defender of Clark to some kind Jewish Christian guy (only on the internet I thought).
So my apologies for any confusion. Its funny I remember a time before the internet when nutjobs didn't have this exposure.
I think I recognize this guy now. Didn't he go through some kind of "Jewish Christian" phase. I believe he insisted on YouTube to stop using the name Jesus but the Jewish yeshu or however its spelled. If so he used to be a member here. I think he got banned. Because he was trashing this board afterwards. He's a jerk.
I'm trying yo remember my interactions with him. This may have been before you joined Jacob. If I remember correctly, don't hold me to it old man memory and all, I wasn't even good enough as a fellow presuppositionalist. Unstable doesn't even begin to cover it, I've known meth addicts I'd rather have a conversation with.

Jewish phase. Not Jewish Christian. He studied under a rabbi briefly. He did a list of Theses Against Christianity. I have some of them on an old blog. I don't necessarily agree with how I phrased some of my responses now.
Jacob who are these guys who are arguing with Dyer? Could you give me some small introduction? I am reading the comment sections of your links, and Steve for example, seems to be arguing soundly and smoothly. But who is it? Or the other guys you mention in your second link to your blog. Is this some kind of apologetic online community?
Steve Hays and Paul Manata used to blog here: http://triablogue.blogspot.com/?m=1

Steve passed away in the past two years or so. He was one of my favorite writers and was very encouraging towards me as a young Christian. Paul Manata is still around but doesn't blog there any more. They were/are friendly with James Anderson, Greg Welty, John Frame (Steve's teacher), etc.

I would highly recommend perusing old posts on their blog for a range of excellent apologetic material. They also compiled several ebooks on various subjects (Steve in particular).
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