How Is the Sabbath Different?

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Puritan Board Doctor
Apropos to Chris's fine (unbeatable!) offer on Nicholas Bownd's magnificent work on the Sabbath, here is a bit of a teaser for today's devotional:

{I}t was no ordinary and common blessing that God bestowed upon this day, such as was belonging to the rest of the days, and of His creatures; but a rare blessing, which He bestowed upon none other, even the blessing of sanctification. That whereas the other days were appointed for the affairs of this world, and for our bodies, this seventh day was ordained for the life to come, and for our souls. And so there was no greater difference between the blessing of Isaac upon his two sons Jacob and Esau, the one being blessed in heavenly things, and the other in earthly (Gen. 27:37. 39), than was between the blessing of the six days, and of the seventh (p. 287, in the Naphtali Press edition).​
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