How did the Lords Wrath operate before creation?

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Darryl Le Roux

Puritan Board Freshman
I have been trying to get some answers on the topic of Gods wrath pre-creation.

I understand that it would exist before the fall due to the fallen angels, but what does one do with the topic pre-creation of any being?

This issue would then also be related to the mercy of God as well, as it couldn't have been expressed in the Godhead.

Is this merely a matter of God existing outside of time?
It's important to remember that God's wrath is not an intrinsic attribute of God per se. Rather, it is the expression of his justice -- which is an intrinsic attribute. His wrath is the response of his justice to sinfulness in creation. God has always been just. But his wrath has only been expressed in relation to the rebellion of his creatures.
@Darryl Le Roux

And just to follow up Wes, Darryl: God's grace and mercy is a function of His love, finding an expression in the fallen context that it did not have previously.

God created to most fully manifest His glory. Creation does not add anything essential to God but it does become the canvas on which the Artist might most fully demonstrate His greatness and goodness.

This does not make sin necessary, but it does mean that evil becomes the fullest occasion for the expression both of wrath and of mercy (Romans 9: 20-23). God is so great and so good that evil not only does not defeat Him but it becomes the palette from which He paints this most glorious picture that is set forth in creation, redemption, and consummation.

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