Homeschooling Cartoons

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How I appreciate your posts concerning the home. We have a 15 month old and we are often "Stretched"in our faith. The home is where the battle is won or lost it seems.
I liked this one....
Yep...that's the one that most of the ladies on a hsing forum I frequent said they related to.

My personal favorite was the first one "That WAS Bible study!"

[Edited on 1-18-2006 by LadyFlynt]
I usually was asleep or in daze until 10:30 in high school... as if it made a difference... presuming I was at school of course...
LOL. The one about summer vacation was a little too familiar . . . I spent many summers doing math fix-up that I'd "forgotten" about earlier in the year . . . and the glow-in-the-dark periodic table - I got calculus review cards one year! :)
har har har. My wife and I have just read through these, and through the laughter felt strangely comforted by the fact that WE'RE NOT ALONE!

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