He loves because He loves

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Robert Traill (The Lord's Prayer, John 17:24), Works 2:28:

The love of the Father shines in giving us to Christ to be redeemed; the love of the Son shines in his receiving of us; and these two loves (if I may call them so) do not eclipse, but enlighten one another, and make a glorious light to the eye of a believer. Election is always in love, and from it, or with it. And this love hath no cause, but in the heart of the lover: He loves because he loves, Deut. 7:7, 8. It had no beginning, it hath no intermission, and it shall have no ending. It is from everlasting to everlasting, Ps. 103:17. It is an everlasting love, Jer. 31:3, therefore he draws with loving-kindness (or extended loving-kindness unto thee). And he never leaves off to draw thus, till he hath drawn them to heaven, and till he hath crowned them with loving-kindness and tender mercies, Ps. 103:4. Here doth this blessed love shine, in giving men to Christ; and here believers should behold it.
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