God's sovereignty and human responsibility

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Puritan Board Sophomore
I read Pink's The Sovereignty of God some time ago and loved it. Later. I found out that the "Banner of Truth" publication was abridged. So I ordered the " Baker Books" publication. The first thing I did was to read one of the omitted chapters, "God's Sovereignty and Human Responsibility". I must say it was very enlightening to me
and answered many questions I had regarding this dichotomy. I think if will be very helpfull in dealing with the objections some of my friends have when discussing these topics. If you haven't read it, you, In my humble opinion, should. 8. God's Sovereignty and Human Responsibility
Our church fall conference is Oct 15 through 17 and will feature Dr. Tom Schreiner and Dr. Bruce Ware. The topic will be 'Divine Providence'. I wish all PBers but especially those in Texas would be able to attend some of the sessions. I so hope I can attend them all. I am always very blessed by these two speakers!
I now realise that my copy is the Banner's....must get the unabridged version!
can anyone tell me whether this is the right one? I can't make out.
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