Gillespie's Shorter Writings complete in 3 volumes

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This was one of those long multi-year projects (1 vol. a year) but The Shorter Writings of George Gillespie is now complete in 3 volumes. Part of the Naphtali Press Special Editions series published by Naphtali Press and Reformation Heritage Books. Since beginning in 2019, NPSE has published James Durham's Commentary upon Revelation in a massive 3 volume set, David Dickson's sermons on Lamentations, transcribed and edited from an 1628 manuscript, never before published, a critical edition of Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici (the divine right of church government) by the London Provincial Assembly and this Gillespie project. In the works (for 2024, likely into 2025) still are a first time translation from Latin of Gisbertus Voetius on the Sabbath and Feast Days, James Durham's lectures on Song of Solomon, and a critical edition of Gillespie's magnum opus, Aaron's Rod Blossoming. NPSE is a dual part undertaking. I raise the funds via sponsors to create the texts through layout stage (which could be from old texts, from manuscript, or arranging a first time English translation) and RHB produces the volumes to the series specifications. If you would like to become a sponsor for 2024, message me (basic level sponsorship for a year for USA is $215). Sponsors, who basically help underwrite the cost of text preparation, receive copies of titles published, custom sponsor bookplates, and are recognized in the sponsor section that appears in front of each volume. Here are the contents for the 3 volume Gillespie (which is everything known except the two larger works ARB and English Popish Ceremonies, the latter already in print in the NP 2023 critical edition).
Shorter Writings of George Gillespie complete in three volumes totaling 1534pp in the Naphtali Press Special Editions series. 384pp, 534pp, and 616pp (lengths not all correct at the link).
Volume 1
Preface 11
Introductory Essays
Memoir of George Gillespie by William M. Hetherington 15
Appendix. Extracts From Wodrow’s Analecta 46
Ancestry of George Gillespie 53
University Studies and Ordination to the
Ministry of George Gillespie 61
George Gillespie versus John Selden 80
An Assertion of the Government of the Church
of Scotland (1641) [99]

Anonymous Writings
Reasons for which the Service Book Urged upon Scotland
Ought to be Refused (1638) [261]
Faces About: or, A Recrimination Charged upon
Mr. John Goodwin (1644) [269]
A Late Dialogue Betwixt a Civilian and a Divine (1644) [281]
Wholesome Severity Reconciled with Christian
Liberty (1645) [321]

Volume 2
Preface 11
Why Christmas Day ought not to be Observed [13]
A Sermon Preached Before the House of Commons [45]
A Sermon Preached Before the House of Lords [125]

Anti-Erastian Tracts
Preface 181
A Brother Examination [219]
Nihil Respondes [237]
Malè Audis [267]

Acts of the General Assembly, Edinburgh, February 1645
Preface [319]
Act Approving The Directory for Worship [325]
A Solemn And Seasonable Warning [219]
Acts of the General Assembly, Edinburgh, August 1647
Preface 347
Speech Before the General Assembly [359]
A Declaration and Brotherly Exhortation [367]
CXI Propositions [381]

Anti-Engagement Writings, 1648
Preface [441]
Sermon on Psalm 2:10–12 Before Parliament [461]
The Humble Representation [479]
The Answer of the Commissioners to the Estates [505]

Volume 3
A Treatise of Miscellany Questions
Preface 15
The Contents 23
The Publisher to the Reader by Patrick Gillespie 35
A Treatise of Miscellany Questions (1649) 37
Notes of Debates and Proceedings of the Assembly of Divines
& Other Commissioners at Westminster
Preface 265
Assembly Notes, February 2, 1644 to May 14, 1644 271
Assembly Notes, September 4, 1644 to January 3, 1645 392
Debates in the Sub-Committee Respecting the Directory 461
Notes of Proceedings in the Grand Committee 464
Customs in Both Kingdoms to be Laid Aside 472
That Excommunication and Other Church Censures are Appointed
by Jesus Christ, and that Church Officers are Appointed by Him to
Dispense these Censures 473
Notes of Proceedings at the General Assembly, at Edinburgh, 1645 489

Letters of George Gillespie, 1641–1648
Preface 493
Letters of Mr. George Gillespie 495
Letters at London, in the year 1644 to 1647 505
Correspondence of the Scottish Commissioners to the Westminster
Assembly with the Commission of the Church of Scotland 524

Indices (all three volumes)
Scripture Index 577
Name, Author, & Subject Index 595
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