Originally posted by Robin
Originally posted by rgrove
Originally posted by RAS
Does the amillennial view interpret the OT in light of the new and the postmill. interpret the NT in light of the old?
Is this one of the differences between the views?
I don't believe you would find anyone maintaining either position that would believe they are interpreting the NT in light of the OT. Only dispensationalists proudly proclaim something like this as far as I can tell... As a postmill, I certainly don't believe that to be the case for me. I believe the NT teaches postmillennialism on it's own, and that this is confirmed time and again by passages of the OT regarding what will happen during the last days. If anything, I would say that I believe the postmill position to be more consistent with the OT testimony than amillennialism, but I'm sure they'll line up to disagree with that.
Actually, it's not either noticed or admitted...but it does occur (perhaps unintentionally) due to the overemphasis on OUR situation - rather than considering the OT's connection to the NT as real people and history. Hence, the literializing.
So do the OT prophecies have dual fulfillment coherent with Chrtist's 1st and 2nd Advent? Or does the OT primarily focus on us, the Final Day and 70 AD?
I've yet to hear anyone on PB espouse Christ's incarnation; ministry; death/resurrection/ascension/church inauguration as being as important as 70AD or contemporary concerns - with regards to eschatology. Well, how about it? Are they?
One example could be the Holy of Holies curtain being torn in the Temple during His crucifixion. Well, is that as important as 70 AD? What? Inquiring minds want to know...