Fascinating! It seems VAN TIL & HOEKSEMA (PRCA) were in agreement regarding their TRINITARIANISM including ABSOLUTE PERSONALITY.

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Puritan Board Freshman
I discovered in Van Til's Systematic Theology that he spoke highly of Rev. Herman Hoeksema of the PRCA.

Then I discovered Rev. Hoeksema's TRINITARIAN teachings seem to agree with Van Til.

It has been necessary for me to study all of the Theologians teachings on Trinitarianism in my preparatory research for my book about Gordon H. Clark's faulty trinitarianism resulting in his faulty nestorian incarnational construct.

The following is quoting Rev Herman Hoeksema from his Reformed Dogmatics Page 59 of the 1966 Single Volume version (this version quote differs significantly from the revised 2004 version that significantly changes Rev Herman Hoeksema's meanings. I do NOT recommend the 2004 version) ==>

"But to this we must immediately add that God is a personal Spirit, lest we fall into the error of Pantheism.

He is not a vague, unconscious essence that rises to consciousness in the creature, but He is a personal subsistence in Himself, or rather — lest we should think of Him as a person among persons — He is absolute, self-existent Personality.

Everywhere in scripture He meets us as the Ego, in Whom consciousness and Self-consciousness are absolutely one and identical.

This personal subsistence of God assumes the form of the three-personal subsistence of the Holy Trinity, of which we must speak later.

Yet even now it must be said that this Triune Subsistence in God is never such that over against the creature He stands as three, or that He ever addresses us as a plural subject.

Within Himself He may speak in the plural, as in Genesis 1:26;
to us He reveals Himself and speaks as the absolute I.

Of the Father, through the Son, and in the Spirit, He confronts us in His revelation as the one pure Spirit,
Who is the one and only Lord of heaven and earth, the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords!"

- Rev Herman Hoeksema. Reformed Dogmatics Page 59 of the 1966 Single Volume version.


IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO THE PRCA ==> Warning! This quote differs significantly from the 2004 Double Volume version!!!

The 2004 version does a great disservice to Rev. Herman Hoeksema because it changes his meanings in several places.
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Does he say God is one person? All the language of "personal subsistence" and even the unfortunate language about "Ego" is one thing. Calling God one person and three persons is quite another.
Does he say God is one person? All the language of "personal subsistence" and even the unfortunate language about "Ego" is one thing. Calling God one person and three persons is quite another.
To better understand Van Til and Rev. Herman Hoeksema, it helps to study Bavinck and A. Hodge and others who thought along those lines.
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