Puritan Board Freshman
This definition is in Muller's "Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms"
Excommunicatio: (excommunication) Church censure that refuses to the impenitent sinner participation in the Lord's Supper and the fellowship of the Christian community; The Reformed distinguished between excommunication minor, disciplinary exclusion from the Lord's Supper, and excommunication maior, full exclusion from fellowship following admonition by the consistory and discussion of the offense in the congregation.
My question is about if this distinction still holds in Presbyterian polity today?
In the OPC, it seems like "erasure" from the roll is considered - in the right circumstances - a soft form of excommunication. But I do not see a distinction between major and minor excommunication in the OPC BCO, but I may be mistaken.
Excommunicatio: (excommunication) Church censure that refuses to the impenitent sinner participation in the Lord's Supper and the fellowship of the Christian community; The Reformed distinguished between excommunication minor, disciplinary exclusion from the Lord's Supper, and excommunication maior, full exclusion from fellowship following admonition by the consistory and discussion of the offense in the congregation.
My question is about if this distinction still holds in Presbyterian polity today?
In the OPC, it seems like "erasure" from the roll is considered - in the right circumstances - a soft form of excommunication. But I do not see a distinction between major and minor excommunication in the OPC BCO, but I may be mistaken.