Dr. Kloosterman's Natural Law 2 Kingdom Review in pdf book format now.

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The Joyful Curmudgeon
Staff member

I greatly benefited from this as have many of my friends. From the people I know, they say that Dr. Kloosterman has put things in a bit of a better historical and written context in this review.

I went to the Reformed Presbyterian International Conference last week. I got to hear a prominent Professor speak on this topic and when I reminded him of this work the fine Dr. gave Dr. Kloosterman a warm endorsement. It was not recorded. I believe only the main sessions were.

We are not Federal Vision friendly either as some of us have been accused.

I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.

Be Very Encouraged to keep digging down into this topic as it has ramifications in many areas of our lives.
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