Doctrine of the Kingdom in the Westminster and Dordt Standards


Puritan Board Freshman
Can anyone please recommend

1) any books, articles or commentaries on the Westminster (WCF, SC, LC) and Dordt (BC, HC, CD) on the topic of the Kingdom, what it is, is it only the Church/believers, and or how does it relate to this world and rest of creation?

2) does the Lord's prayer, your kingdom come, your will be done, means only soteriology (being right with God in Christ, eternal life, etc), or also sanctification or the application of God's Word to all of life?

I want to learn what the 'Westminister and Dordt authors/theologians' said themselves, not later or modern day views.


3) which specific articles in the Westminster confessions deal with the Kingdom theme?
4) and, which x3 commentaries will you recommend on the Westminster confessions?


Ps. 72:19 greetings
Truth's Victory over Error , David Dickson
A Body of Divinity, Thomas Watson (make sure you get the full work containing his exposition of the 10 commandments and Lord's Prayer)
A Body of Divinity, Thomas Boston

Those are some the earliest and closest to the writing of the confession/catechisms.
But also make sure you read the many sermons/treatises on the relevant scripture portions put out by the divines and theologians of the time (e.g. Thomas Manton's exposition of the Lord's Prayer, Thomas Vincent's brief explication of the Shorter Catechism) as well as reading the men who influenced the theology of the divines (Calvin, Bullinger, Robert Rollock, James Usher etc).
Getting a grasp of historical theology requires a general acquaintance with not only the theologians of the time from original sources but also the historical/political circumstances and the work of the men who came before them.